

Meet Ravi, a passionate manga enthusiast who has been captivated by the world of anime and manga since 2003. His journey began with the iconic series Naruto, sparking a deep and enduring love for the medium. With a keen eye for storytelling and a heart devoted to the rich narratives of manga, Ravi is on a continuous adventure of discovery within the vibrant and imaginative realms of Japanese animation and comic art. Join him as he shares the lastest anime and manga news.

Tokyo Revengers season 3 total episodes [UPDATED]

Tokyo Revengers season 3 total episodes

Tokyo Revengers third season, also called the Tenjiku Arc, features 13 episodes. There are 13 thrilling episodes in Tokyo Revengers Season 3, starting OCT 3 until the intense climax in December, according to the producers. Fanbases are excited about this…