

Meet Ravi, a passionate manga enthusiast who has been captivated by the world of anime and manga since 2003. His journey began with the iconic series Naruto, sparking a deep and enduring love for the medium. With a keen eye for storytelling and a heart devoted to the rich narratives of manga, Ravi is on a continuous adventure of discovery within the vibrant and imaginative realms of Japanese animation and comic art. Join him as he shares the lastest anime and manga news.

Mihawk’s Seraphim VS Blackbeard | One Piece Episode 1087

seraphim mihawk vs blackbeard
In the episode, S-Hawk's swordsmanship skills were put to the test as he clashed with Blackbeard, one of the most powerful pirates in the One Piece world. The battle was intense, with S-Hawk demonstrating incredible resilience and strength, even forcing Blackbeard to use his Armament Haki to defend himself.

Where to read Dark Fall manga? [UPDATED]

Dark Fall manga

If you are a fan of dark fantasy and horror manga, you might want to check out Dark Fall, a series by Kuroki Shiro that follows the adventures of a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies…