

Meet Ravi, a passionate manga enthusiast who has been captivated by the world of anime and manga since 2003. His journey began with the iconic series Naruto, sparking a deep and enduring love for the medium. With a keen eye for storytelling and a heart devoted to the rich narratives of manga, Ravi is on a continuous adventure of discovery within the vibrant and imaginative realms of Japanese animation and comic art. Join him as he shares the lastest anime and manga news.

Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 5, Release Date, Timing & Update

Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 5, Release Date, Timing & Update
The much-anticipated Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 5 is set to be released on December 20, 2023, with fans eagerly awaiting the next installment of the manga series. The chapter is expected to be approximately 41 pages long and will be accessible on Viz Media’s Shonen Jump, Shueisha’s Manga Plus, and V-Jump.

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 245 Predictions, Leaks & Spoilers

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 245
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 245 is anticipated to be released on December 18, 2023. The chapter is expected to continue the intense battle involving Sukuna, Yuji, and Higuruma. Fans are particularly intrigued by Higuruma's strategies, which may weaken Sukuna. Speculation on Reddit suggests the possibility of exploring other characters in the story.

Jump Festa 2024 News & Update

Jump Festa 2023 News & Update

Jump Festa 2024, organized by Shueisha, is set to take place on December 16-17, 2023, at the Makuhari Messe Convention Center in Chiba, Japan. The event will feature three stages: Jump Super Stage Red, Jump Super Stage Blue, and Jump…